2016 Mission Team

Our Mission Team:

Jayme Bradley, Connie Burgin, Jim Burgin, Kelsea Burton, Luke Burton, Mark Burton, Vicki Burton, Carol Ecklund, Scott Hagaman, Justin Jornigan, Megan Jornigan, Jeff Knox, Sandy Knox, Steve Little, Paul MacDougal, Melanie Orange, Steve Pierce, Matt Roberts, Kay Sinclair, Jennifer Smith, Kent Smith, Mary Jane Stahl, Hendrick Suarez, Doug White, Rachael Whittemore, Becky Young, Carolyn Young, Steve Young

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Tuesday Evening

Today was a hot one in Belize.  The high hit mid-90s by noon and stayed hot all afternoon.  The medical team was in Benque today, a town very close to the Belize's western border with Guatemala about a one-hour drive from the BTC.  The church was not available, so the clinic was held in a home.  This in itself was a challenge, and the heat only made it more difficult.  Despite these challenges, the team saw over 100 patients.  After a long day they arrived back after dark for a late dinner.

The construction team made more progress on the sheep barn.  The floor is complete and four roof trusses are up.  Walls and the roof are next.  Materials for the pasture fence were bought and delivered.  Several of the corner posts were cemented in by late afternoon.  Tomorrow more posts will be set and some fencing may be started.

Pictures will have to wait until tomorrow.  Jim Burgin has been documenting the clinics and the construction progress, but they have yet to be downloaded for the blog.

After dinner we had our nightly devotion and teams reported their day's work.  We enjoy sharing our day with each other.  Now, after a long hot day we are ready to get clean and have a good restful night.

Until tomorrow.

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